¿Qué hace la PTA de GWMS?
The George Washington Middle School administrators, teachers, and PTA volunteers are working hard to plan the final three weeks of school for our 8th Graders. We hope this schedule of festivities and fun will send them off with fond memories of three happy years, precious friendships, and high hopes for the future!
May 24th
8th Grade Farewell Field Trip - Kings Dominion
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Busses depart from school at 9:00am and leave the park at 5:30pm
$75 per person includes bus, park entry, meal and unlimited drinks
Financial assistance is available (first come, first served)
Field trip forms are due by May 10th! (no exceptions)
Students must have taken the math SOL the day before (or submitted the necessary paperwork for that SOL)

May 28th
Class Picture
8:30 AM
Students should report to their advisory classes on time before walking outside to the main steps.
Pictures will be sold through Promotion Day.
More information to come.

May 31st
8th Grade Dance - GWMS Main Gym
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
$5 per person
Tickets will be on sale in the cafeteria 5/5-5/29
No tickets sold at the door for security reasons
Financial assistance available (all students will participate)
Transportation not provided by GWMS
No outside guests but students may invite 6th or 7th graders to attend

Monday, June 10th
8th Grade Field & Food Truck Day
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Activities will include obstacle course moon bounces, field day games, soccer games hosted by Alexandria Soccer Association coaches, DJ Malone, food trucks, water & fruit stations
Locations will include the parking lot, tennis court, track and fields behind the school (see map below for details)
Activities and ice cream are free to students!
School lunch will be available, but students can also choose to buy burgers, hot dogs and tacos from food trucks ($10-$15 range)

June 11th
8th Grade Promotion - ACHS Auditorium
3330 King Street, Alexandria VA 22302
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Students must arrive at Alexandria City High School by 4:00pm
Due to space limitations, each family will receive two free tickets to the ceremony in the ACHS Auditorium. No additional tickets will be available
Overflow seating will be available in the Cafeteria with CCTV viewing


How Do I Buy an 8th Grade Promotion Yard Sign?
You can purchase a George Washington Middle School Proud Family yard sign HERE! These 24-inch x 18-inch, single-sided yard signs are made of 4m corrugated plastic and come with a metal stake for display. They are $20 each and will be sold through May 15th. Signs will be shipped to the school where we will arrange for two days of pickup. After that, please arrange for late pickup by emailing Greta Gordon at gwmspta@gmail.com.
Can I Still Order a Yearbook?
Yes! Ms. Rollins, GWMS yearbook advisor and art teacher, ordered extras and has about 30 left for purchase. Yearbooks are $25. Please contact Ms. Rollins (janice.rollins@acps.k12.va.us) to purchase yours!

Will There Be Refreshments at the Promotion?
GWMS will not provide food prior to the promotion ceremony, so please eat before you arrive! Parent booster organizations may sell waters or flowers after the fact. We will share more details on that if/when they become available.
What if I have a season pass to Kings Dominion?
If you have a season pass we ask that you pay $40 which will cover your food, unlimited drinks, and transportation to the park. We also ask that you bring us a copy of it or allow us to make a copy.
Can my parent/guardian chaperone?
Parents/guardians are welcome to sign up to chaperone. They must be CONFIRMED by us before they can join us on the trip as one of our chaperones. Please know that a chaperone has responsibility for at least 10 other students and not just with you. Chaperones are expected to ride our bus to help with supervising students as well. Please know that everyone who signs up to chaperone will not be invited to do so. They must complete the background check with ACPS and we have to have told them they are invited.
Will we have access to the water park?
No, you will not have access to the water park. It will not even be open during our visit.
How are the groups going to be formed?
The most important part of the groups is getting you on the bus, really. Once we get to the park, you are on your own to have fun. We just need cell phone numbers for buddies. We will make sure that chaperones are placed with their students and we will try to accommodate friend groups as best as possible. Most importantly, stay on your assigned bus to get you there and back.
Do you have to have money for Kings Dominion?
Kings Dominion is CASHLESS. Simply swipe or tap your credit card, debit card, or smart device with Apple Pay or Google Pay where you would normally use cash. It’s faster, safer, and always secure. No card? No problem! At their Cash-to-Card Kiosks, you can convert your cash into a prepaid debit card you can use anywhere – not just inside the park - with no fees. It’s easy and FREE.
What is the theme for the dance?
Summertime Tropical. Please do not wear bathing suits and such. Keep it classy. We will have a DJ and maybe a photo booth!
May I invite people from other schools?
No, but you may invite students from other grades. Make sure to buy their tickets when you buy yours. The tickets will be sold from 5/15-5/30th for $5.00 in the cafeteria.
Will there be snacks like last year?
Yes, our PTA always takes care of us! It will be lots of fun. We will have a dance competition and I think we have a photo booth/station again. So let’s have some fun!!
What type of food trucks will there be?
Scoops2U CONFIRMED: one ice-cream novelty bar for each student
Chef Tony Rowe Food Truck CONFIRMED: burgers, hot dogs, chicken tenders and tacos for sale
Minutas Real Surena Food Truck CONFIRMED: Tacos!
Benny Diforza’s Pizza: CONFIRMED
What if I don't have any money?
Scoops2U will give each participating student a free novelty bar. Also, you will have access to your school lunch as always.
What if I don’t want to go outside?
You will choose a classroom, the library MPR (quiet space), a robotics program (details in Canvas) or you can go outside with a Google form. Please choose wisely as we can not allow you to change locations. If you do not choose your location, you will default to the outdoor event. You will still have access to the food trucks, no worries. Some classroom teachers may take you on a walk for some air if that’s what you all decide. We will do our best to make sure you have a great time.
** Everyone who attends will receive one free ice cream! There will be a moon bounce, music, treats, and more!
Is there a rain date?
No, as it is the very end of the year we do not have a contingency plan. Students will have spaces in the 8th grade corridor, library, MPR, PBIS room and anywhere else we can find to have a good time and make some memories. The food trucks will be there regardless.
We work very hard to ensure that ALL of our students are included and comfortable in these events and activities. For this event, we have indoor spaces, quiet spaces, interactive spaces indoors and outdoors. If there is something that we are missing, please let us know!
What do we have to wear to promotion?
We do not have any color specificity. We ask that you dress nicely, semi-formal, or business professional.
Will we practice walking?
No, Ms. Ortiz will post videos and information on Canvas- Hello 8th Grade page! Teachers will also receive the videos and play them in class to make sure everyone can see them. Please check Canvas weekly for important announcements and information. We will march in a very loose alphabetical order (think of grouping/clustering A-L and M-Z for your counselors) by last name.
What if I need more than 2 tickets?
Each student will receive 2 tickets to enter the main auditorium. Other family members will be able to watch on CCTV in the cafeteria at Alexandria City High School. Also, feel free to ask a friend who is not going or who may not need them. If we have extra, we will give them out on a first come, first served basis. You will receive your tickets and certificates Wednesday-Friday of the week of June 4th.
We work very hard to ensure that ALL of our students are included and comfortable in these events and activities. For this event, we will ensure that students who may not be able to stay the entire event have the ability to leave or take a break with intentional seating. We will also have interpreters available for our language needs. If there is something that we are missing, please let us know!
I Have More Questions! Who Can I Ask?
For questions about the Field Trip or Promotion Ceremony, please contact Dean Ortiz at aisha.ortiz@acps.k12.va.us. For questions about the 8th Grade Dance, please contact Ashley Lombardi at ashleyrlombardi@hotmail.com. For questions about the 8th Grade Field &
Food Truck Day, please contact Missy Estabrook at missysantoro@yahoo.com. If you are interested in volunteering at any of the events above, please use the sign up sheets above or contact Ms. Victoria at victoria.menjivar@acps.k12.va.us.