Upcoming Dates
January 17: 6th Grade Math, VA Growth Assessment testing
January 18: 7th Grade Math (unless your child is in Algebra 1), VA Growth Assessment testing
January 18: School Board public hearing on the budget
January 19: End of 2nd Quarter
January 22: Teacher Work Day, No School
January 23: First day of 3rd Quarter, 2nd semester electives begin
January 23: 8th Grade Reading, VA Growth Assessment testing
January 24: ACHS Academic Information and Curriculum Night (rescheduled)
January 26: PBIS Store
January 26: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Breakfast
February 2: GW Open House for rising 6th grade families
February 5: National History Day
February 7: Chipotle Dine Out Fundraiser, Potomac Yard, 5-9p.m.
A Message from the President:
Happy snow day to all!
Please join the GWMS PTA as we recognize our amazing principals during Virginia School Principal’s Appreciation Week! Thank you to Mrs. Vinson, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Gullette and Ms. Muse for their leadership and working to make every day a great GW day!
Our January PTA meeting last week featured the ACHS Program of Studies for 2024-25. We are grateful to Dr. Finney, Chief Academic Officer, ACPS; Ms. Sanders, Executive Director of Instructional ACHS Principal Mr. Duncan and Mr. Forbes, Director of School Counseling, GWMS for presenting. The slide presentation will be shared once available. Thank you to those who tuned in via Facebook Live, and stuck with us during some connectivity issues. The meeting can be viewed on Facebook Live.
The ACPS School Board is in budget season with public comments this Thursday evening, January 18th. Principal Vinson has requested funds for an additional full-time position to hire a third dean of students. The GWMS PTA fully supports this request and will be submitting a letter to the School Board to show our support. We will share the letter once it is finalized. We encourage families to write to the School Board to echo this support.
Greta Gordon
GWMS PTA President 2023-2024

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Breakfast, January 26th
Please help us recognize our almost 200 hard-working teachers and staff as they head into the 3rd Quarter! You can assist the PTA by providing coffee, juice, and light breakfast and/or volunteering at our event on Friday, January 26th! (Sign up here!) Please contact Stephanie0627@icloud.com with any questions.
National History Day
The 2024 National History Day Contest Theme is Turning Points in History. Students who are completing a National History Day project are given time and support in class as well as weekly after school support every Thursday. We will have our in-school National History Day Competition on February 5, 2024. The regional competition will be March 2 at West Springfield High School.We will begin soliciting the staff and community for judges. If you are interested in judging our National History Day Competition please email: 8th Grade Civics Teacher, Dana Parks at dana.parks@acps.k12.va.us.
End of Quarter
The end of the second quarter is January 19, 2024. Students need to have all assignments submitted two days before the end of the quarter which is January 17, 2023.
Teacher Academic Support Hours:
Rising 6th Grade Information
The Elective Fair and Curriculum Night scheduled for Wednesday, January 17th has been postponed! It will be rescheduled in early February. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to attend to learn more about GW elective offerings and course expectations. The first open house for rising 6th grade GW families (parents and caregivers of students currently in 5th grade) will be on Friday, February 2 from 9:00 to 10:30a.m. Academic Advisement Letter
Rising 9th Grade Information
The ACHS Academic Information and Curriculum Night has been rescheduled to January 24, 2024, in person, from 5:30-7:30 pm, at ACHS. An updated program for the evening outlining all of the available sessions will be shared by Monday, January 22, 2024.
Support Alexandria Crew! Erg Sprints, February 3rd
Did your son or daughter enjoy the learn to row program in PE or in one of the summer or after school programs? Are you interested in supporting one of the oldest public schools rowing programs in the country? Are you just curious what one of the largest indoor rowing competitions in the world is like?Erg Sprints is February 3rd and the primary fundraiser to support Alexandria Crew Boosters programs, including Learn to Row, Spring, Summer, and Fall Crew, Old Dominion Boat Club Select Rowing, and Winter Conditioning. And this year, we are the host site of the 2024 USRowing Indoor National Championships!We can’t do it without a lot of volunteers to manage the 350 events with 2500 competitors and spectators. Both adults and students (with parent) are needed. Come join us and volunteer today! https://www.ergsprints.com/volunteer
Thanks to our 2023-24 Business Sponsors!
General Washington Level:
Chris Upham | Realtor | Compass
Licensed in VA, DC & MD
Colonel Washington Level:
Major Washington Level: