Upcoming Dates
January 3: School Board Candidate Forum
January 9: Special Election, No School in person for GW
January 9: ACHS Academic Orientation & Curriculum Night
January 10: GWMS PTA meeting
January 12: PBIS Store
January 12: Open House for rising 6th grade parents/caregivers
January 15: MLK Day, No School
January 17: Middle School Elective Fair and Curriculum Night
January 19: End of 2nd Quarter
January 22: Teacher Work Day, No School
January 26: PBIS Store
January 26: Teacher and Staff Appreciation Breakfast
A Message from the President:
Happy New Year to all and welcome back! GW PTA hopes you had an enjoyable and restful winter break and students are ready to learn as we near the end of the second quarter.
We would like to thank all who donated to our Honor Roll of Donors campaign! We raised $11,340!! And the winner of the Freezy Pop party is the sixth grade with 40 individual donors! A huge thanks to our VP of Fundraising, Pam Townsend, for organizing! Freezy Pop date to be determined. Stay tuned!
Our next PTA meeting will be Wednesday, January 10th, in person in the GW library and on Facebook Live. Dr. Pierette Finney, Chief Academic Officer, ACPS, and Ms. Carmen Sanders, Executive Director of Instructional Support, ACPS, will join us to discuss the High School Project’s Program of Studies. This is especially important for our 8th grade families as their students look to choose their courses for next year. Interpretation will be provided in Amharic and Spanish.
Greta Gordon
GWMS PTA President 2023-2024
Upcoming School Board Candidate Forum, January 3
The Alexandria PTA Council is hosting anonline School Board Candidate Forumon January 3rd at 7pmin preparation for the January 9th special election to fill the open seat in District A.
Rising 6th Grade Information
Next Friday, January 12GW will host the first open house for rising 6th grade parents/caregivers. For those families with rising 6th graders, please plan to attend to learn more about GW and to take a tour led by student ambassadors. Open houses are for parents/caregivers only.
Elementary school students will attend “A GW Glimpse”February 6-8 (please refer to GWMS Orientation and Transition Events flyer below for your school’s date) and secure permission and transportation to bring your 5th grade students to GW on the date listed.
The next important date is Wednesday, January 17, which is the Electives Fair and Curriculum Night. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to attend to learn more about GW elective offerings and course expectations.
Academic Advisement Letter
Rising 9th Grade Information
Families are invited to attend the Alexandria City High School (ACHS) Academic Orientation & Curriculum Night on Tuesday, January 9, 5:30-7:30 pm. Students and families will get a glimpse of ACHS’ various programs.
An evening program will include:
Breakout sessions for rising ninth through rising twelfth grade students
Graduation requirements, course offerings, sequencing, and expectations
Breakout Sessions: Academies and Pathways, Governor’s Health Sciences, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), and MORE
The Program of Studies will be available in January, and will provide a comprehensive overview of the many educational opportunities available to students at ACHS.
Rising GW 9th graders will attend an information session (for students only,) during the school day on Thursday, January 11, (9am - 11am,) in the GW Auditorium.
2023 Children's & Teens' Alexandria Gazette
Enjoy the Alexandria Gazette December 21st, Children's Edition, which featured Alexandria City Public School students of all ages from several of our local schools. Our school, GWMS is featured on pages 8 and 9. We celebrate our students, their given talents, and academic and creative advancements in the visual arts. We are surely proud of the work of their hands.
Volunteer Mentoring Opportunity
Are you interested in mentoring a GWMS student? THE GWMS Counseling team runs a mentorship program for a group of 8th grade students that benefit from additional adult guidance and support. They are looking for one additional mentor.
Mentors typically meet with their dedicated mentee one day per week during the school year (through May), most often during the student's lunchtime. A 30-minute mentoring session might include playing a game, eating lunch together, or simply talking. As the mentor builds a rapport with the student, the goal is that the mentor becomes an encouraging force in the student's life goals, aspirations, and self-esteem. What a rewarding experience for both the mentor and the student!
Contact GWMS 8th grade School CounselorsMs. Thomas or Ms. Najjarfor more details.
Become a GWMS PTA business sponsor!
Do you own a business or know a business that might like to donate to our school? Email gwptafund@gmail.comwith your business sponsor ideas!
Our business sponsors receive recognition on our website, newsletter, facebook page, and more! Sponsorships start at $100.Check out the sponsorship levels and donation options.