Upcoming Dates
November 20: Orchestra fundraiser pre-ordered pie pick-up, 3:30-7:30 at GW
November 22-24: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)
November 28: Last day to order Spirit Wear
November 29: Crazy Mason Spirit Night Fundraiser
November 29: ACPS’ Restorative Practices Parent Series-Part 1
December 1: PBIS Store
December 6: GW Orchestra Winter Concert
December 7: GW Choir Winter Concert
December 13: GW Band Winter Concert
December 12: &pizza Dine Out
A Message from the President:
Thank you to our presenters and families who joined last week for our November PTA meeting. If you were not able to attend, you can still view the meeting on Facebook Live. Thank you to Ms. Gullette (7th grade principal) for providing the principal update on Mrs. Vinson’s behalf. Ms. Gullette went over the Prexie News and answered a range of questions. We also heard from Ms. Stacy Palmer, GW’s Advanced Academics Resource Teacher & Screening Lead, who went over the screening process for Advanced Academics Services (AAS) and took questions. Thank you, Ms. Palmer for your time and thorough answers! Ms. Taneika Tukan, Executive Director of Community Partnerships and Engagement for ACPS also joined us to highlight tips and tricks for effectively using ParentSquare at the secondary school level. Ms. Tukan’s presentation included managing notifications, using the platform for teacher communication and more. Once the slides are available, they will be shared and listed on the PTA website under the Resources tab. GWMS PTA’s VP of Communications, Katie Palavecino, also put together a communications slidedeck that includes managing notifications for Canvas in addition to ParentSquare, as well as a quick reference guide to PowerSchool and more. And lastly, the membership voted on a budget amendment to purchase additional spiritwear and increase the administrative costs to account for some charges that changed and increased from last year. There is NO PTA meeting in December. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, January 10th, in person and on Facebook Live. The GWMS PTA wishes you and your loved ones a happy Thanksgiving! Greta Gordon GWMS PTA President 2023-2024 http://gwmspta.org/
PTAC November meeting - ACPS High School Project / SAPCA
Last week, the PTA Council of Alexandria (PTAC) meeting included a presentation by Dr. Pierette Finney and Ms. Carmen Sanders on the High School Project’s Program of Studies. The video and slides are included. The GWMS PTA is working with Dr. Finney and her team to present at our January 9th meeting. Stay tuned. Additionally, the Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition of Alexandria, (SAPCA,) gave an overview of their upcoming programs and events as well as resources and information around preventing substance abuse. They also shared helpful tips for communicating with teens.
Honor Roll of Donors & Freezing with Freezy Pops
Our big fall fundraiser, Honor Roll of Donors, includes a friendly little grade level competition this year called Freezing with Freezy Pops! The grade with the most individual donors to the Honor Roll of Donors by December 31 will get a freezy pop at lunch one day in January. Check out the details and grade level standings. To join the Honor Roll of Donors and help your student’s grade win freezy pops, make a donation online ($5 minimum) or by check to GWMS PTA and mailed to: Chris Upham GW PTA Treasurer 85 Arell Ct Alexandria, VA 22304 Make sure to note your grade level (6th,7th, or 8th) in the memo line of your check. Donations are 100% tax deductible and 100% goes to GWMS PTA. Your donation will help us fund teacher/staff appreciation events, field trips, grade level socials, and more! Thank you to all who have already donated!
Chris Upham, Realtor - General Washington Level Business Sponsor

Chris Upham | Realtor | Compass Licensed in VA, DC & MD www.ChrisUpham.com chris.upham@compass.com 202.359.1308
Thank you to Chris Upham for being our 1st 2023-2024 business sponsor! GWMS PTA is grateful for your generous donation!
Here is a message from Chris:
“As the parent of a 7th grader Daniel, I'm a proud sponsor of the GWMS PTA. It's truly remarkable to see how much they do to help support the students and teachers and enrich their experience!
Next time you hear of anyone thinking to sell, buy or invest in real estate, don't hesitate to reach out. When not helping clients, I enjoy coaching my son's IceDogs hockey team, sailing, competing in Ironman triathlons and serving as the PTA Treasurer.”
GWMS PTA Business Sponsors
Businesses can donate to George Washington Middle School PTA and receive recognition on our website, newsletter, facebook page, and more! Sponsorships start at $100. If you own a business, please consider becoming a business sponsor. Check out the sponsorship levels and donate online. Businesses can also mail a check made out to GWMS PTA to: Chris Upham GW PTA Treasurer 85 Arell Ct Alexandria, VA 22304 Donations are 100% tax deductible and 100% goes to GWMS PTA to support our activities throughout the year. Contact our VP, Fundraising, Pam Townsend, at gwptafunds@gmail.com, with any questions about business sponsorship or other ways your business can support GWMS PTA. Thank you for your support of our school!

We are just 60 members shy of meeting our membership goal and the Virginia PTA challenge for a chance at $100! It’s only $10 per person to join the PTA (plus a small credit card fee). Please take a moment to join today! Thank you to the 216 who have joined the PTA so far this year!
Spirit Wear Round Two!

Due to popular demand, we are re-opening spirit wear sales for 1 week only! We have added an option for size 2X this time too! Order online by Tuesday, November 28 for pickup the week of December 11. Email gwptafunds@gmail.com with any questions.
Extra Halloween Candy Collection
GWMS PTA is collecting Halloween candy for the staff and teachers. Feel free to drop off any candy in the bin on the porch at 528 N Payne St, Alexandria (blue house on the corner of Payne and Pendelton). Collection bin will be available through the end of the month. Candy will be given to the staff and teachers the first week of December.
Crazy Mason Spirit Night, Wednesday, November 29
We have a new fun treat for our November Dine Out Fundraiser. Thanks to Crazy Mason (716 King St) for hosting GWMS PTA on November 29 from 4 to 7pm. Stop by after school for a milkshake or ice cream and 10% of ALL sales will go to GWMS.

&pizza Dine Out, Tuesday, December 12
Save the Date! Our December dine out fundraiser will be at &pizza in Potomac Yard (3525 Richmond Hwy.) on Tuesday, December 12th, from 5 to 9p.m.

Harris Teeter’s Together in Education Program

Link your VIC card in advance of your Thanksgiving grocery shopping! It’s FREE MONEY for our school and just takes a minute. You just need your phone number tied to your VIC card to register. GW is #6713 at Harris Teeter. You must re-link your card every year. Last year we had 49 cards and earned $483. Right now we only have 21 cards linked so let’s see if we can get up our number up to 50 cards and make $500 this year!
