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GW Town Crier - November 27, 2023

Writer's picture: Katie PalavecinoKatie Palavecino

Upcoming Dates

  • November 28: Last day to order Spirit Wear

  • November 29: Crazy Mason Spirit Night Fundraiser

  • November 29: ACPS’ Restorative Practices Parent Series-Part 1

  • December 5: The Parent’s Role in Special Education Workshop

  • December 6: GW Orchestra Winter Concert

  • December 7: GW Choir Winter Concert

  • December 12: &pizza Dine Out Fundraiser

  • December 13: GW Band Winter Concert

  • December 15: PBIS Store

  • December 18 - January 1: Winter Break (No School)

A Message from the President:

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! There is NO PTA meeting in December. Our next PTA meeting will be Wednesday, January 10th, (not Tuesday!) in person and on Facebook Live. Dr. Pierette Finney, Chief Academic Officer, ACPS, and Ms. Carmen Sanders, Executive Director of Instructional Support, ACPS, will join us to discuss the High School Project’s Program of Studies. The video and slides from November’s PTAC general meeting can bring you up to speed! Our big fall fundraiser, Honor Roll of Donors, is well underway, and we are so grateful to all who have contributed. The grade with the most individual donations by December 31st will win a freezy pop party in January. Donations are 100% tax deductible and 100% goes to GWMS PTA. Your generous contributions allow the PTA to support GWMS teachers, staff, and families in important ways, including funding for teacher grants, teacher and staff appreciation events, end-of-year socials for all grades, and the family emergency fund. Check out the details and grade level standings. Again, thank you to all who have already donated! Greta Gordon GWMS PTA President 2023-2024

Last Call for Spirit Wear in 2023!

Due to popular demand, we are doing another spirit wear order this week! We added an option for size 2X this time too! Order online by Tuesday, November 28 for pickup the week of December 11. Email with any questions or to order with cash/check.

Crazy Mason Spirit Night This Wednesday!

We have a new fun treat for our November Dine Out Fundraiser. Thanks to Crazy Mason (716 King St) for hosting GWMS PTA on November 29 from 4 to 7pm. Stop by after school for a milkshake or ice cream and 10% of ALL sales will go to GWMS.

Only 4 days left to meet the Virginia PTA Membership Challenge!

We want all of our families, teachers, staff and administrators to be a part of the GWMS PTA community! Please take a moment to join today! If we meet our membership goal by November 30, we have a chance to win $100 from the Virginia PTA! It’s only $10 per person to join the PTA (plus a small credit card fee). You can also join by cash or check. Email for more information. Thank you to all who have joined the PTA so far this year! If you aren’t sure if you joined this year, just click the link to find out! (System won’t let you join again the same year, so don’t worry!)

Reflections Winners!

GWMS 1st place students will be automatically moved on to the citywide competition.

  • Visual Arts - Mia Malur (7th), My World

  • Literature - Catherine Parks (6th), A Hopeful Heart

  • Music Composition - Sadie Szamosfalvi (8th), From Where I Come

  • Photography - Catherine Parks (6th), Little Things

Congratulations to all of our Reflections 2023 participants!

Last Call for Extra Halloween Candy Collection

GWMS PTA is collecting Halloween candy for the staff and teachers. Drop off any candy in the bin on the porch at 528 N Payne St, Alexandria (blue house on the corner of Payne and Pendelton). Collection bin will be available through the end of the week! Candy will be given to the staff and teachers the first week of December.

Final PBIS Store of 2023

The GW PBIS store will be open during lunch on December 15th for the final time in 2023! Thank you to Jamie Pfister for coordinating volunteers to help staff the store. 7th grade families - the PBIS store is looking for two volunteers on the 15th!

Your business can be a GWMS PTA sponsor!

Businesses can donate to George Washington Middle School PTA! We’ll publicize your sponsorship on our website, newsletter, facebook page, and more! Sponsorships start at $100. Check out the sponsorship levels and donation options.

The Parent’s Role in Special Education

On Tuesday, December 5th, 12-1pm and 6-7pm, ACPS’s Parent Support Specialist, Janet Reese, will lead a workshop on the parent’s role in special education. This workshop will provide tips and strategies to help parents support their student’s special education. The event will be posted simultaneously to Zoom and to the Anne R. Lipnick Special Education Parent Resource Center (PRC) Facebook page. To join the live webinar go to 871?pwd=KzZtMkNsZ05xcFJYZXEyOTQ. Interpretation services available.

Money for GWMS from Harris Teeter!

Link your VIC card for FREE MONEY for our school! You just need your phone number tied to your VIC card to register for Harris Teeter’s Together in Education program. GW is #6713 at Harris Teeter. You must re-link every year but it just takes a minute.

&pizza Dine Out, Tuesday, December 12

Our December dine out fundraiser will be at &pizza in Potomac Yard (3525 Richmond Hwy.) on Tuesday, December 12th, from 5 to 9p.m. Plan to have dinner that night at &pizza and 25% of your order will go to GWMS!



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