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GW Town Crier - November 6, 2023

Writer's picture: Katie PalavecinoKatie Palavecino

Upcoming Dates

  • November 7: Professional Development Day (No school)

  • November 7: Election Day Bake Sale and Spirit Wear, GW Main Entrance

  • November 14: PTA meeting (on Zoom and Facebook Live)

  • November 15 : GW Band Booster Dine Out at Chipotle

  • November 17: PBIS Store

  • November 22-24: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)

  • November 29: Crazy Mason Spirit Night Fundraiser

A Message from the President:

We are so GRATEFUL for all of our PTA volunteers, GW teachers, staff and administrators. A big THANK YOU to GWMS PTA VP of Communications, Katie Palavecino, for undertaking a complete revamp of the GWMS PTA website. Check it out! What to know about what the PTA does? How to reach a teacher? The monthly calendar of events? How to join the PTA? Past issues of the GW Town Crier? It’s all there!! Thank you to all who went out to Fairlington Pizza to support GWMS PTA! We raised $600! It was great to see so many GW faces. A huge thanks to Stephanie Paulson for organizing our restaurant nights, and to Fairlington Pizza for including their own donation! This week is National School Psychology Week, and we recognize Mr. Andrew Sabinash, GW's school psychologist. Thank you for supporting student well-being, growth and learning at GW! We hope to see you Tuesday at the Election Day bake sale! Pick up spiritwear and a tasty treat, and peruse lost and found items. Our next PTA is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14th, via Zoom and streamed on Facebook Live at 7pm. Greta Gordon GWMS PTA President 2023-2024

Election Day Bake Sale, Spirit Wear and More

Please come to GW on Tuesday, November 7th from 7am to 5pm for our Election Day Bake Sale! We’ll have coffee, cookies, muffins, donuts, and more!

You can still sign up to contribute baked goods too! Just bring to GW on Tuesday morning, the earlier the better.

As an extra special non-sugar treat, our GW Orchestra will be playing for us and busking on Election Day from 7:30 to 10am. Come in the morning with a few extra dollars to put in the violin case!

Speaking of sugar treats, we are collecting your extra Halloween candy for our GW teachers and staff. (More info and collection options below.)

Election Day is also the time to pick up or buy Spirit Wear! We ordered extra t-shirts and hoodies, so we’ll be selling Spirit Wear on November 7th from 8am to 5pm.

And last but not least, we will have a lost and found table set up outside GW from 8am to 5pm to make it easy for you to check for missing items.

GW Lost and Found

The PTA wants to help reunite students with their items! Check out the Lost and Found tables at GW on Election Day from 8a.m. to 5p.m. Also, watch for photos once per month on the (unofficial) GW parent facebook page. Unclaimed items are donated over winter break. And finally, remember to have your students check all the GW lost and found locations (gym, cafeteria, and grade-level offices). Also, be sure to write full name on everything (and phone number too if you can) so our Lost and Found coordinator can contact you.

The High School Project

The School Board approved the 2024-25 Program of Studies at their November 2nd meeting. Read more in the ACPS Express and stay tuned for more information to come.

Extra Halloween Candy Collection

Have too much candy in the house? Need to get rid of those sweet treat temptations? GWMS PTA is collecting Halloween Candy for the staff and teachers. Feel free to drop off any candy in the bin on the porch at 528 N Payne St, Alexandria (blue house on the corner of Payne and Pendelton). Collection bin will be available for several weeks and candy will be given to the staff and teachers the first week of December! Extra candy donations will also be accepted at the Election Day bake sale!

GW Band Booster Dine Out at Chipotle

Support the GW Band for a DIne Out Fundraiser at Chipotle (3425 Richmond Highway) on Wednesday, November 15 from 5 to 9pm. 33% of event sales get donated to the cause. Order online for pickup using code 3A8EHFJ or show the flyer below in restaurant.

  • English

  • Spanish

Crazy Mason Spirit Night, Wednesday, November 29

We have a new fun treat for our November Dine Out Fundraiser. Thanks to Crazy Mason (716 King St) for hosting GWMS PTA on November 29 from 4 to 7pm. Stop by after school for a milkshake or ice cream where 10% of ALL sales will go to GWMS.


We are still looking for a few more volunteers to lead or assist with these PTA activities. If you are interested in learning more about either of these open roles, or have questions or suggestions, please email our PTA president, Greta Gordon, at

  • 7th Grade Social/Events - Volunteers from each grade plan an end-of-year event for each class. Chair will lead the volunteers in planning!

  • Business Partners / Sponsorships - Do you have great connections with local businesses? Sign up to help us partner with our business partners to help them find ways to make a big impact at GWMS. Great for co-chairs!

Harris Teeter’s Together in Education Program

We need more Harris Teeter shoppers to link your VIC card! It’s an easy way to earn FREE MONEY for George Washington Middle School every time you shop! (GW is #6713 at Harris Teeter.)

You must re-link your card every year. You can link up to 5 schools so you can still support your elementary and/or high schools and GWMS too.



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