Upcoming Dates
October 2, 4: Fall Growth State Testing-Math (6th, 7th)
October 2: National Custodian Appreciation Day
October 4: Walk & Roll to School Day
October 5: PBIS Store
October 9: Indigenous People Day (No School)
October 15: Reflections Entries Due
October 17: PTA Meeting
October 20: Spirit Wear Orders Due
October 20: PBIS Store
October 27: Harvest Festival
October 27: Picture Retake Day
September 15 - October 13: National Hispanic Heritage Month
October: Bullying Prevention Month
A Message from the President:
Thank you to Joy Pochatila and 7th grader, Lindy Evans, for coordinating the PTA Tropical Smoothie lunch for teachers and staff during conferences this week! The teachers and staff are always very appreciative of this lunch. It is wonderful to see so many smiling faces, and hear so many words of heartfelt gratitude. And Tropical Smoothie is ready and willing to support GW - despite inflation, they were able to match last year's costs. Please consider stopping by the Bradlee location for a smoothie or to pick up your next take-out meal to say thanks.
Today is National Custodian Appreciation Day! Under the direction of our building engineer, Mr. Stephen Letsu, we are grateful for our custodian staff! Thank you to Elyn Toledo Ramos, Dennis Valenzuela, Rosalba Guerra, Ana Valenzuela, Marina Diaz, Milagro Manchado, Ana Campos, Yeny Cardenas, Maira Lopez and Maria Martinez.
Have you renewed your PTA membership for this school year? Our next PTA meeting will be held Tuesday, October 17th at 7pm in the GW Media Room. We hope you can join us!
Greta Gordon GWMS PTA President 2023-2024 Please allow 24 hours for a response to your email. Thank you!
October is National Bullying Prevention Month October 17 is the annual World Day of Bullying Prevention, and October 18, 2023, is Unity Day. Stay tuned for a Bullying Prevention Month Calendar of events from our Director of Counseling and our Student Support Team.
VA Growth Assessment Information
6th-grade students will take their fall Math VA Growth Assessment, they need to bring a book to read in case they finish early and their charged Chromebook
Teachers will have a staff meeting after school so all after-school activities and activity buses are canceled except for the Link Club
6th grade Fall VA Growth Math Make-ups for students who were absent on Monday
7th-grade students will take their fall Math VA Growth Assessment, they need to bring a book to read in case they finish early and their charged Chromebook
7th grade Fall VA Growth Math Make-ups for students who were absent on Wednesday
7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Field Trip
All remaining VA Growth make-ups for any 6th or 7th-grade student who missed their original test session or specific make-up session
Walk & Roll to School Day
On your mark, get set, register! The 27th annual National Walk & Roll to School Day is October 4th, and registration is now open!
Whether addressing the need to make routes to school safer for active trips or encouraging children to be more active, these events can be powerful tools to inspire lasting change. Of course, they are also lots of fun!
The official Walk & Roll to School Day date will be October 4th this year, but communities are welcome to celebrate any day in October that best fits their schedules. Sign up today to join the fun and spread the impact of the 2023 event!

Parent Engagement Survey
The Parent Engagement Survey is an anonymous survey to help the GW Administration Team learn more about what parent needs are so that we can plan events to support their interests. Thank you to parents who have already completed the survey during parent-teacher conferences.
Show your school spirit with GW Spirit Wear! Pre-order through Friday, Oct. 20. Items will be available for pick up starting Nov. 7 at our Election Day bake sale!
Short Sleeve T-shirts $10
Long Sleeve T-shirts $15
Sweatshirts $25
Hoodies $25
Order online with credit card at gwmspta.org/spiritwear Email gwptafunds@gmail.com to arrange to pay by check or cash.
PTA Reflections Art Competition
Calling all Prexies – PTA Reflections Art Competition 2023-2024 needs you!
It’s that time again, when pre-K through grade 12 students nationwide create theme-based artwork – will you be one of them? The 2023-2024 theme is I am Hopeful Because...share why you are hopeful through dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, or visual arts.
Contest entries due by Oct 15. Entering takes 5 minutes online here or at the below QR code.
You can also turn your entry into GW Middle School Art Teacher Ms. Janice Rollins, Rm: C205, or into your grade-level office.
Entries are evaluated for interpretation of the theme, creativity, and technique. Questions? Email leetomlynch@gmail.com

Join the PTA!

We are close to reaching our membership goal! We just need 86 more members to be eligible to win $100 from the Virginia PTA. If you have not yet joined, please take a minute to join today.
Your $10 tax-deductible membership dues will support our school wide activities throughout the year such as teacher appreciation events, field trips, student socials, and more!
Thanks to all who have joined so far for the 2023-24 school year!
Thank you to everyone who has contacted the PTA about volunteering! We are still looking for a few more volunteers to chair committees.
Please email us to help fill the following roles:
7th Grade Social/Events - Volunteers from each grade plan an end-of-year event for each class. Chair will lead the volunteers in planning!
GW Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee - work with the DEI rep, other parents, caregivers, the PTA Executive Committee, teachers and staff to foster an inclusive and equitable environment, focusing on family engagement in our school community.
Field Trip Coordinator - The GWMS teachers and staff would love to have help from parents with planning field trips throughout the school year. This is a new committee, so there will be some work to do to set expectations and roles.
Business Partners / Sponsorships - Do you have great connections with local businesses? Sign up to help us partner with our business partners to help them find ways to make a big impact at GWMS. Great for co-chairs!
Membership Chair - This is a new position! We want to grow our membership and ensure that we are representative of our whole GWMS community. Membership Chair would represent PTA at school events and develop new ways to reach a wider audience.
Gym Uniform Swap Coordinator - Collect gym uniforms from older students/alums and wash/sort/set up table at events to give to current students
PTAC Special Education Committee - The Alexandria PTA Council (PTAC) formed a Special Education Committee to ensure that the perspective of families and students receiving Special Education and 504 services are addressed within PTAC. The purpose is to continue this robust conversation district-wide by encouraging all PTAs to appoint a parent whose children are receiving special education services to serve as a Special Education Representative. This representative would –
Help families who have children receiving special education services feel more connected to their school communities;
Amplify their concerns to your PTA, PTAC and ACPS leadership;
Educate the Executive Board on how best to support families who have children receiving special education services within your school;
Meet with special education representatives from other schools to share ideas;
Host a meet & greet for new parents of students receiving special education services; and,
Work with the PTA to ensure that students with IEPs and/or 504s are appropriately supported in all PTA-sponsored activities.
Nominating Committee for 2024-25 - In the spring, the nominating committee will work to secure executive board slots for the coming school year, as well as committee chairs and members.
October PTA Meeting
Mark your calendars on Tuesday, October 17th for our next PTA Meeting. This time IN PERSON! Spanish Interpretation will be provided.
What About Me? Supporting Siblings of Students with Disabilities
Monday, October 3 12-1PM Join via Zoom The ACPS Anne R. Lipnick Special Education Parent Resource Center assists parents to become partners in their child's education. Join this workshop to learn strategies for helping, reassuring and involving siblings. Interpretation services will be provided.